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FME in Action Customer Stories

It’s more than possible – it’s proven.

Gartner Peer Insights is the leading authority for verified, firsthand reviews from enterprise software and service buyers.

Success stories from companies that trust FME.

911 truck

Alberta Health Services maintains emergency response data accuracy with FME

Emergency Services Americas
Construction worker

Enet’s digital transformation: streamlining network routing with automated solutions

Telecom EMEA
waterford city

Waterford City & County Council enhances community response with FME-powered CRM map

Government: Local EMEA
san bernardino county

San Bernardino County launches Offender Mapping Project to elevate probation operations

Government: Local Americas

OneFortyOne upgrades lightning strike mapping process for forest fire prevention

Natural Resources APAC
Flooding Rescue Boat

Pacific Disaster Center revolutionizes disaster management with DisasterAWARE platform

Emergency Services Americas
Cyclone Gabrielle

New Zealand Police enhance Cyclone Gabrielle response with Locus

Government: Federal APAC
BC wildfire

FortisBC automates assessment of wildfire threats to customer and assets

Utilities Americas

Utah Department of Transportation implements statewide e-ticketing system

Transportation Government: Regional
Wearing masks in the office

BlueDot leverages data integration to predict COVID-19 spread

Healthcare & Health Technology Americas
Employee conference call greeting large

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