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FME in Action Customer Stories

It’s more than possible – it’s proven.

Gartner Peer Insights is the leading authority for verified, firsthand reviews from enterprise software and service buyers.

Success stories from companies that trust FME.

Agri Epi field monitoring

How Agri-EPI Centre is optimizing agri-tech with FME

Natural Resources Commercial
New Zealand beach

NIWA cuts hazard data processing time by 30% with FME

Natural Resources APAC
Plane landing

Vancouver International Airport (YVR) leverages FME to create a digital twin for next-gen airport operations

Airports & Aviation Americas
British Highway

140 million MOT driving records analyzed with FME

Transportation EMEA
Saintes landscape

Eau 17 cuts map processing to a fifth of original time

Utilities EMEA
Wearing masks in the office

BlueDot leverages data integration to predict COVID-19 spread

Healthcare & Health Technology Americas

New York City created a 3D building massing model for the entire city

Government: Local Americas

Indiana integrated 80+ counties to create a state-wide GIS data portal

Government: Regional Americas
3D Modelling

HOK builds a 3D model of 2 million buildings

Architecture, Engineering & Construction Americas

Visimind is saving PSE hundreds of hours of processing time

Energy EMEA
Employee conference call greeting large

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