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FME World Fair Encore: Spatial Showcase

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Thursday, October 28, 2021

Webinar Details

FME shines at all things data integration and automation, but when it comes to spatial data, there is no one brighter.

In this “encore” of presentations from the FME World Fair, we’re showcasing some of our best spatial stories.

Join to learn how you can:

  • Process sensor data collected from assets to display as vector maps
  • Access business data and relate it with spatial context
  • Generate catchment areas
  • Convert large volumes of spatial data from one coordinate system to another, including custom coordinate systems

With so many stories, this webinar could have been over 4 hours long, but we’ve trimmed it back to 1 hour of spatial stardom. Whether you work with location data daily or have simply considered using it, this webinar is for you!