Integration of FME and Geoweb Solutions for Efficient Water Management

Presentation Details
Waternet is an organization that works for the municipality and the Waterboard of Amsterdam. Their mission is to ensure clean and safe water for the city of Amsterdam and surrounding areas. As part of their efforts, they have developed solutions in collaboration with a GIS development team, utilizing FME with FME Flow and VertiGIS as a key component.
These solutions have revolutionized the way waterway cleanliness is monitored. In this presentation, we'll explore the exciting world of FME in combination with VertiGIS. Our focus will be on one use cases: cleaning waterways and generating letters to contact inhabitants. This use case utilizes FME with FME Server and VertiGIS. Data streaming for JSON and automated workflows for letters, database updates, and emailers with FME API make the entire process seamless.
The presentation will be divided into three sections. We'll start with an overview of the impressive organization Waternet, highlighting the talented team that worked on the development and the users of the final product.
We’ll talk about the process of cleaning waterways and how Waternet needs to keep these waterways clear of waste.
Next, we'll dive into the infrastructure of the solution, providing an insight into the workflows and processes involved. We'll showcase the VertiGIS interface, some of the configuration in FME Flow and the FME workspace. The communication between VertiGIS and FME Flow.
We will explore the choices that were made along the way, including why we opted to use the default FME functionalities like MS Word possibilities in FME. Join us for an informative presentation on FME in combination with VertiGIS, and get ready to be inspired!