Improving Data Integration and Quality through Digital Uploads
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As the first step toward creating a full electronic submission protocol, the York Region initiated a Digital Plan Upload pilot enabling developers to submit CAD plans through a portal. During this initial phase, Consortech developed the FME and web-based solution, which receives the submission, validates the data, and reports on acceptance criteria compliance. Data is then transformed into a standardized GIS format allowing for quick visualization with municipal base data. A successful pilot will create efficiencies in the urban development review process, enable better integration into GIS, improve data quality, reduce costs, and support environmental sustainability. The main challenge was to design a solution which would be easy to use, but would remain flexible enough to evolve over time, while giving significant benefits to all stakeholders. By using FME to automate and orchestrate the process, the system can easily adapt in the future to accept more data formats, add more validations and produce different outputs.