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FME Governance: How to Structure the Use and Growth of FME

Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Lesley MacKenzie
Presenter Company
FME World Fair 2021
Session Type

Presentation Details

FME is a versatile technology that often grows organically in an organization, one data process at a time. It often starts in the GIS department with a few desktop licenses, solving problems, automating data processes, etc. Over time, FME Server gets added to leverage greater automation capacity, and these data processes become critical to operations in the organization often integrating data across departments and applications.
At this point, you need to start asking the some questions:
• How to design a light, flexible and future proof architecture?
• How to plan migrations and production deployment?
• How to size FME Server and provision processing capacity?
• How to configure the application to meet business needs, IT standards and security requirements?
Governance and implementation practices should provide methodologies for leveraging FME tuned to an organization business and technical needs and requirements, not become a bottleneck in the process. In this presentation we will share some of the important questions and considerations when provisioning for FME Server based on different scenarios we have encountered over the years in a variety of contexts and use-cases.