Deploy your FME integration through Azure Pipelines in 10 minutes

Presentation Details
Modern tools to facilitate development and operations include Kanban boards, source control and methods for automated deployment and testing. One of these toolchains is Azure Devops. The swimming lanes with tasks and product backlog items are probably familiar with many a FME developer. I hope source control is too.
But, what if Azure Devops could help you get the latest fruits of your labor on your Staging Environment, and when approved, deploy it to Production? If you know Azure Devops, you've probably seen the blue rocket 'Pipelines' button. If you've pressed this, and thought 'eh…. well… interesting… maybe later…', this presentation is for you. I'll show you it is actually not that hard to deploy FME components from a GIT repository to your server. Get inspired and expand on this in your own way.