Red Geographics
As a Dutch company, we have been an active partner of Safe Software for over 20 years. We specialize in training and optimizing FME usage with a unique offering: all our training courses are conducted in Dutch. We made our materials with a clear knowledge about what companies need to learn.
We understand the dynamics within organizations like no other and offer a complete package of services, including the acquisition of licenses, comprehensive Dutch-language training, personal coaching, and specialized consultancy. Working with RED Geographics means opting for a certified partner that ensures seamless integration and effective use of FME in your organization.
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Partner Program Certified
Partner Type
- Roermond, The Netherlands
At Red Geographics, we pride ourselves on the quality and expertise of our training staff. Every training session is conducted by not just one, but two triple-certified trainers, ensuring a rich, well-rounded learning experience. All our training sessions are available in Dutch, featuring case studies relevant to the Netherlands. We have developed our materials with a clear understanding of what companies need to learn, ensuring our training is not only comprehensive but also highly applicable to real-world scenarios.
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Our Partners are the architects of change, leveraging FME to dismantle silos, connect disparate data, and deliver pioneering solutions that address real-world problems. Apply today.