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FME in Action Customer Stories

It’s more than possible – it’s proven.

Gartner Peer Insights is the leading authority for verified, firsthand reviews from enterprise software and service buyers.

Success stories from companies that trust FME.

Ship entering port

T. Baker Smith enhances port operations with FME and iBlueHarbor platform

Commercial Americas
Data mountains

Informatica Alto Adige SpA unites decades of siloed data while saving €60k yearly

Commercial EMEA
Agri Epi field monitoring

How Agri-EPI Centre is optimizing agri-tech with FME

Natural Resources Commercial
Grocery Store Stocking

tapestry implements data virtualization with FME

Commercial APAC

IHS Markit centralizes 1.5 billion rows of data in 5 hours

Commercial EMEA

Tesera Systems uses machine learning to mitigate risk for municipalities

Commercial Government: Federal

GHD uses text mining to facilitate data-driven decisions

Commercial Americas

Bonava achieves data modernization and cloud migration with FME

Commercial EMEA
Sacramento Cityscape

Real-time earthquake reports powered by FME

Commercial Americas

Athena Intelligence uses data integration to manage supply chain risk

Commercial Americas
Employee conference call greeting large

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