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FME in Action Customer Stories

It’s more than possible – it’s proven.

Gartner Peer Insights is the leading authority for verified, firsthand reviews from enterprise software and service buyers.

Success stories from companies that trust FME.

Pinellas County leads the fight against water waste with FME

Utilities Americas

How KiwiRail used FME for rapid Cyclone Gabrielle Response

Transportation Utilities
Alberta powerlines

Automating processes to future-proof Alberta’s electrical grid

Utilities Americas
Reversing Falls bridge in Saint John, New Brunswick.

Saint John Energy integrates Cityworks and ArcGIS to enhance asset management

Utilities Americas
BC wildfire

FortisBC automates assessment of wildfire threats to customer and assets

Utilities Americas
Saintes landscape

Eau 17 cuts map processing to a fifth of original time

Utilities EMEA

Telecom uses FME to gain no-code spatial intelligence

Telecom Utilities
Metering Check Service

Georgia Power Metering Services streamlines meter replacement

Utilities Americas
Flying drone

Alabama Power Company automates drone flights & post-processing

Utilities Americas

NamPower builds a live powerline activity web dashboard

Utilities EMEA
Employee conference call greeting large

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