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Change Log

What’s new with FME.


Change Type
FME Form 2024.2
ShortestPathFinder: add attribute capturing completion condition for when any condition passes
Update Build 24736
ShortestPathFinder: Expose calculator dialog in ShortestPathFinder cost parameters
Update Build 24735
CoordinateConcatenator: add ability to choose the order of X,Y
Update Build 24734
AutoCAD Civil 3D Reader: Add Object Data support
Update Build 24733
TextLocationExtractor: Add a rejection port
Update Build 24733
Coordinate Systems: fully support Official Croatian HTRS96/TM, EPSG: 3765
Update Build 24732
PDF Reader: Does not read features located in negative page coordinate space
Bug Build 24731
VoronoiDiagrammer: duplicate logging
Bug Build 24730
Displacer: Logs error message once properly, then once with placeholders
Bug Build 24727
LabelPointReplacer: z coordinate replaced with nan for 3D points
Bug Build 24724
ChangeDetector: _match_id dropped if >=2000 features per input port
Bug Build 24723
VertexCreator: add option to remove attributes containing coordinates
Update Build 24722
TINGenerator: returning negative aspect values
Bug Build 24722
VertexCreator: add option to set the coordinate system in Replace By Point mode
Update Build 24721
CSMapReprojector: stale URLs in error message
Bug Build 24720
RasterCellValueCalculator: Flipped Error message when 1 input port used
Bug Build 24717
Coordinate System: Add full support for EPSG:9333
Update Build 24716
Creator: update Coordinate Values tab with disappearing sample text
Update Build 24716
Aggregator: Changing Aggregation Mode resets Attribute Accumulation parameters
Bug Build 24715
Displacer: Parameters should not allow values of 0
Update Build 24714
CreationFactory: listed three times at FME Factory and Function Documentation
Bug Build 24713
MeasureExtractor/MeasureSetter: add support for attribute selection for Measure Name
Update Build 24710
PartCounter: rename to GeometryPartCounter to provide context
Update Build 24708
RasterSubsetter: rejection message is backwards
Bug Build 24708
AppearanceSetter: Set color and texture from attribute
Update Build 24706
GeometryColorSetter: Set color from attribute
Update Build 24706
Extruder: Missing from ‘Geometries’ transformer category
Update Build 24706
ArcStroker (Linux/macOS): Hangs on “infinite sweep angle”
Bug Build 24703
OBJ Writer: vertex optimization ignores vertex colour
Bug Build 24702
Decelerator: Default to 0 seconds delay per feature
Update Build 24701
FMEMesh: optimizeVertexPool() and appendMesh() ignore vertex color
Bug Build 24701
@Log(): listed twice at FME Factory and Function Documentation
Bug Build 24701
FME Flow 2024.2
Update Help & Resources Links
Update Build 24742
Change Terminology “Generate Key” to “Rotate Key”
Update Build 24742
Support base64 encoding of header values in Token Web Services
Update Build 24741
Display EULA in FME Flow for new installations
Update Build 24733
Publications/Subscriptions Internal Server Error
Bug Build 24732
Do Not Show “Additional Capabilities” on the Licensing Page
Update Build 24731
V4 Connections API should support ‘parameters’ field for OAuth 2.0 connections
Bug Build 24731
Add type Password to the Deployment Parameter Store
Add Build 24726
Automations: Workspace run fails if user does not have access to referenced deployment parameter
Bug Build 24725
Support download of production logs for a single Automation
Update Build 24723
System backup does not preserve deployment parameter owner when target server has account with same name but different UUID
Bug Build 24717
Update workspace description (overview) and remove debug logging for backupConfiguration and JobHistoryStatisticsGathering
Update Build 24710
Enhanced Tag Management for Schedules and Automations
Update Build 24709
Databricks DB connection doesn’t filter out non-S3 connection type
Bug Build 24708
? CLONE for 24.2 Testing?- Remove option to create or remove FME Flow Services
Update Build 24703
Remove option to create or remove FME Flow Services
Update Build 24703
Run Workspace & Automations – Reset button does not retrieve the default password value
Bug Build 24703
Update file name for fme_server.jceks to fme_flow_key.jceks
Update Build 24702
Automations Email External Action: Tooltips for Rich Text Editor Tools
Update Build 24702
FME Form 2024.1.2.0
Download from Flow window only shows first page of Repository folders and the first page of workspaces in 2024.1
Bug Build 24622
Dynamic Writing: Should identify feature names when using Read as Resource “SCHEMA FOR TABLE”
Bug Build 24621
FME Form 2024.1.1.1
Geopackage Writer: Support flexible casing from 2024 specification
Update Build 24620
AIXM Reader: Geodesic arc property ignored
Update Build 24620
AIXM5 Reader: add curve radius values and units as geometry traits
Update Build 24620
Shapefile Reader: Attribute values not read
Bug Build 24620
HTTPCaller: Version 6 with multipart upload has invalid parameters.
Bug Build 24620
PROJReprojector: typing Destination Coordinate System causes crash in 2024.1
Bug Build 24620
FME Flow 2024.1.1.0
Load Jobs Completed Page on Login to Remote Engines Service
Update Build 24619
Investigate Engine thread logging error when resetting SocketChannel to blocking mode for Streams
Bug Build 24619
FME Flow Resource destination file picker does not reflect the folder path until file is selected
Bug Build 24619
Source type is not displayed in job overview panel for flow apps
Bug Build 24617
Incorrect size for Download Workspace button in Version Control History
Bug Build 24616
FME Form 2024.1.1.0
HTTPCaller: Workspace created in pre-2024 versions requires manual intervention to run
Bug Build 24618
Microsoft Azure Synapse Writer: Add support for Microsoft Fabric
Update Build 24616
Oracle Reader/Writers: Enable native support on macOS Apple Silicon
Update Build 24615
FME Form 2024.1.0.0
Quick Add: Add Filtering and Sort By options
Add Build 24610
SurfaceDraper: Raster Aggregates cause failure to form Surface Model
Bug Build 24610
DGNV8 Reader: Add parameter to control SmartSolid stroking
Update Build 24609
TINGenerator: add Breakline Method Parameter
Update Build 24605
LogMessageStreamer: incorrect Load FME Defaults values
Bug Build 24603
SurfaceModeller: hangs with both LAS Point and line Breakline input
Bug Build 24603
SurfaceModel: eventually fails with 275m point features
Bug Build 24603
Annotations: Create Contextual Parameter Annotations
Add Build 24601
Parameter Annotations: Add an annotation to a parameter affected by a Multiparameter
Update Build 24601
LengthToPointCalculator – add a port
Update Build 24601
DuckDB Reader and SQLExecutor
Add Build 24600
AutoCAD: Add support for reading template file layer definitions and stylings (metadata feature type)
Update Build 24600
Geopackage Writer: write attribute names as lowercase
Bug Build 24600
IFC: Update schema to version 4×3 Add2
Bug Build 24600
HTTPCaller: Add HTTP Request Preview and Test
Add Build 24599
FME Options: add ability to fully disable and hide AI Assist within Workbench
Update Build 24599
Workbench Canvas: add enable/disable button shortcut to Bookmarks toolbar
Update Build 24599
FeatureReader: Preserves last filled settings if the same format was used previously in that session
Bug Build 24599
Data Inspector: Errors sorting or copying in table view with unsupported coordinate systems
Bug Build 24599
Workbench: update Community and Academy links on Start page and in Help menu to new locations
Bug Build 24599
Parquet Writer: Increase max partitions limit
Bug Build 24599
Python: Update Python interpreter to 3.12.4 (Windows)
Bug Build 24598
SQL Server (JDBC) Reader/Writer: Upgrade driver to 12.6.2
Update Build 24597
DGNv8 writer: cell matrix calculated incorrectly from scale/rotation values
Bug Build 24597
ArcGISOnline Connector: improve metadata support
Add Build 24596
XML Formatter: add option to remove DTDs
Update Build 24595
Creator: Enable “Coordinate Values” tab for Point and Box geometry types
Update Build 24595
Geodatabase Writers: Drop and Create doesn’t work when using User Parameter for Feature Class name
Bug Build 24595
ZARR Reader: Add support for ZARR slice range reading
Update Build 24594
Disable Parameter Annotation Editing within Disabled Groups
Update Build 24594
Parameter Annotations: View Parameter Annotation Text within Summary Annotations
Update Build 24594
Quick Add: Improve right-hand side layout for Readers and Writers
Update Build 24594
FeatureReader: Cannot read feature types with spaces in the name
Bug Build 24594
DynamoDB: Add support for custom URLs
Update Build 24593
Canvas: Update View Cache icons to make state change more obvious
Update Build 24593
AutoCAD DWG Writer: enable coordinate system storage by default
Bug Build 24593
Engine: Norwegian Bokmål_Norway.utf8 locale is frequently reset to C
Bug Build 24593
Snowflake Reader/Writer: Upgrade driver to v3.16.1
Update Build 24592
Parameter Annotations: Support adding annotations in Conditional Value definition dialogs
Update Build 24592
RealDWG Reader: add parameter to control which type of coordinate system is preferred (Esri PRJ vs Native)
Update Build 24592
Quick Add: Sort results by Popularity
Update Build 24591
ACAD Reader: add parameter to control which type of coordinate system is preferred (Esri PRJ vs Native)
Update Build 24591
Translation Log: Update Error, Warning and Info icons to be more clear
Update Build 24591
Navigator: Update nested Transformers and Feature Type icons to to better differentiate with color
Update Build 24591
Quick Add: Enhance search with Space-Delimited AND Logic in Alphabetical and Popularity sort views
Update Build 24590
When downloading a workspace, default to the last workspace location
Update Build 24590
Publish Data Virtualization Associated Workspace
Update Build 24588
Canvas: add enable/disable button to Transformers mini-toolbar
Update Build 24587
MULTI_WRITER fails if Writer Redirect is “Disable Output”
Bug Build 24587
Quick Add: Improve right-hand side layout for Transformers
Update Build 24586
Collapsed Bookmark: add context menu items to Enable/Disable all objects in bookmark
Update Build 24586
Connection Lines: Unable to read Feature Counts when connection lines selected
Bug Build 24585
ChartGenerator: background color not changing when pie chart selected
Bug Build 24585
ChartGenerator: Pie chart output is always square
Bug Build 24584
Navigator: show icon of component alongside search result
Update Build 24583
Revit Reader: Schedule: duplicated attribute names and missing feature types problem
Bug Build 24583
H3HexagonalIndexer: loses coordinate system and attributes from some inputs
Bug Build 24583
AutoCAD DWG Reader: restore the temporary dynamic block name (*U) as a new attribute
Update Build 24582
Dynamic Writing: Fixed problem where schema sources were corrupted because source dataset had url encoded characters
Bug Build 24581
Creator: Add custom upgrade logic
Update Build 24580
Revit Reader: Floor Plan: missing Architectural.Planting features
Bug Build 24580
Create Annotations within parameter dialogs in table cells
Update Build 24579
Snowflake Reader/Writer: Support Browser-based SSO authentication (externalbrowser)
Update Build 24579
Workbench crashes after clicking OK in PowerPointStyler’s Custom Slide Type’s Table parameter dialog
Bug Build 24579
Snowflake Writer: Runs out of Java heap memory with large geometries
Bug Build 24579
Quick Add: Show total number of search results on each filter button using text representation (99+)
Update Build 24578
Quick Add: Sort results Alphabetically
Update Build 24578
AI Assist: “Working on Ai request” icon in dark mode AI Assist dialogs is low quality
Bug Build 24578
Switching between Start and Main tab using Ctrl+Tab keyboard shortcut causes multiple issues
Bug Build 24578
Google BigQuery: Load Spatial Data
Add Build 24577
HTTPCaller: Add Request preview group
Update Build 24577
HTTPCaller: Add test button
Update Build 24576
ImageRasterizer: rejects polygons with INVALID_PARAMETER_MINIMUM_X error with Japanese locale
Bug Build 24576
FFS Reader: Hub format raster cache not readable
Bug Build 24576
Reader/Writers in Data Virtualization Associated Workspace cannot be deleted
Update Build 24575
Save Parameter Annotations in the Workspace
Update Build 24575
OpenAPICaller: Conditionally show or hide sub-groups
Update Build 24574
OpenAPI Import: Add Right Hand Side Panel
Update Build 24573
Revit Reader: add support for Electrical Conduits elements
Update Build 24573
Quick Add: Update no results state message and actions
Update Build 24571
Make “Enable Feature Counting” and “Display Feature Counts” consistent
Update Build 24571
Quick Add Styling – macOS – Chip Filters text and size of the rounded rectangles are incorrect and not matching Windows
Bug Build 24571
Geodatabase Writer: Cannot insert or update a non feature-linked Pro annotation feature class if GlobalIDs are enabled
Bug Build 24570
Revit Native Reader: add the ability to read detailed, object property-related metadata of Revit models
Update Build 24569
Snowflake Spatial Writer: Geometry Instances can’t be written
Bug Build 24569
MVT Tileset Writer: number of features output by the writer differs when feature caching is on vs off
Bug Build 24569
Microsoft Access Reader: missing attribute (column name has hidden special characters)
Bug Build 24568
OpenAPI Import – Workbench crashes when interacting with RHS table and typing in keys
Bug Build 24568
PDF2D Writer: Error when writing to a directory containing non-ASCII characters
Bug Build 24567
Creator: Allow more coordinate formats in the coordinate values tab
Update Build 24566
Snowflake Reader/Writer: Support Azure AD Client Credentials Authentication
Update Build 24566
AI Assist WHERE Clause: Improve example prompt
Update Build 24566
INSPIRE Reader / Writer: update schemas to v5
Update Build 24566
FILEGDB Reader: Misreads Double data type as a Varchar(2) causing Dynamic issues
Bug Build 24566
DateTimeRounder: Provide high precision rounding option
Update Build 24565
SQLCreator: Output Schema fme_feature_type_name does not match output Result fme_feature_type
Bug Build 24563
Esri ArcSDE Geodatabase: VERSION_TYPE default value is incorrect
Bug Build 24563
HTTPCaller: Add copy paste option for Multipart Upload table parameter
Update Build 24562
DGNV8XFM Reader: Cannot add DGN file to workspace
Bug Build 24562
MariaDB Writer: writes to unlisted column
Bug Build 24562
PostgreSQL: UPSERT not working as expected for 2023.2
Bug Build 24562
Creator: Add support for GeoJSON
Update Build 24561
Geodatabase Writer: Cannot write Pro annotation feature class when writing dynamically
Bug Build 24561
Snowflake Writer: Writing date/datetime(without offset) values to TIMESTAMP_TZ columns will add local offset when no offset present
Bug Build 24561
FileGDB: Use more precise warning when a user uses a reserved word for a field name
Bug Build 24561
Creator: add the ability to create donuts via coordinate list tab
Update Build 24560
Quick Add: Remove Aliases from left-hand side results list
Update Build 24559
ArcGIS Online/Portal: add support for Token web services
Update Build 24558
Databricks Writer: Add support for OAuth
Update Build 24558
ADAC: New ADAC schema version 6.0
Update Build 24558
Improved Visibility for Disabled Junctions in Workbench
Update Build 24556
RasterResampler: failing with interpolation Average4 and percent resolution
Bug Build 24556
AttributeFileReader: Remove 2GB file size limit
Bug Build 24556
SQLExecutor: WARNs about delimiters in the face of unrelated errors
Bug Build 24555
Deployment Parameters not being added correctly to scripted value parameter
Bug Build 24555
Microsoft Access Writer: add support for newer versions
Update Build 24553
HTTPCaller: Allow multipart/mixed on multipart upload
Update Build 24553
AGOL Writer: Errors from batch write failures should be logged
Bug Build 24553
ArcGIS Portal Feature Service: cannot read GROUPS with spaces in name
Bug Build 24553
Synapse / MSSQL JDBC / Azure SQL JDBC: Log better errors when using MFA connections in unsupported environments
Update Build 24552
PROJReprojector: Image loses pixel values when reprojected
Bug Build 24552
Workbench – Publish to FME Flow: web connection with square brackets in name cannot be updated
Bug Build 24552
Add splitter to the Quick Add
Update Build 24551
DataInspector: Improved 2d arc stroking
Update Build 24551
Table Parameters: auto-select adjacent row when row is deleted
Update Build 24550
ARCGIS*FEATURES Reader/Writer: support using field aliases during table creation
Update Build 24550
Regular Expression Editor: Show Matched Groups
Update Build 24550
DGNv8 Writer: Extended characters in multiline text written incorrectly
Bug Build 24550
Adjust log settings so Log Debug is a simple checkbox in options and remove ability to turn off other message types. Remove storing of log level from the workspace to prevent accidental capture
Update Build 24549
ArcGIS Server Feature Service Reader/Writer: Navigator ‘host’ should be ‘Feature Service’
Bug Build 24549
AttributeFilter, FeatureTypeFilter: Error fetching ‘Preserve Feature Order’ parameter
Bug Build 24549
Compare Workspaces: Sync Navigator Horizontal Scroll Bars
Update Build 24548
DGN V8 Writer: writing item type property names with spaces in the name results in empty values
Bug Build 24548
Feature Information: copy and paste the list attribute values returns
Bug Build 24548
ArcGIS Online/Portal Readers: Support field aliases on Feature Services
Update Build 24547
3D Data Inspector: Improve scene load performance for datasets with textures
Update Build 24546
Quick Add: Show or Hide Category Filters
Update Build 24545
FMWReader: Make capitalization of PRESERVE_FEATURE_ORDER parameter consistent across transformers
Bug Build 24544
Insert Annotation at cursor position
Update Build 24543
Quick Add: Filter results by Category
Update Build 24543
Updated Graphviz files are missing file versions
Bug Build 24543
AzureBlobStorageConnector: add support for OAuth / AD / Service Principal
Add Build 24541
Microsoft Synapse Reader/Writer: Support Entra Integrated authentication
Update Build 24541
Microsoft Synapse Reader/Writer: Support Entra MFA authentication
Update Build 24541
File Geodatabase Writer: Inserts features when Feature Operation is set to Update and a Feature Dataset is provided in the Feature Class name
Bug Build 24541
Scripted Selection / WEB_SELECT: Incorrectly shrinks long folder name to ‘…’ and prepends it to the displayed path
Bug Build 24541
PythonCaller: Add “Import from Feature Cache” option in “Attributes to Expose” parameter
Update Build 24539
Deployment Parameter: should have ability to filter webservices/database type for connections
Update Build 24539
GeometryExtractor: Geometry Instances are interpreted as multi instead of single geoms
Bug Build 24538
Error when testing imported legacy connection with empty version table entry without in the personaldb folder
Bug Build 24538
Filter Quick Add results by Publisher Type
Update Build 24536
Esri Geodatabase Writer: Error occurred using IXmlPropertySet2::setXml()
Bug Build 24536
Workspace Comparison fails if multiple dynamic feature types have the same name
Bug Build 24536
Microsoft SQL Server Reader/Writer (JDBC): Support Entra Integrated authentication
Update Build 24535
Microsoft SQL Server Reader/Writer (JDBC): Support Entra MFA authentication
Update Build 24535
ODBC Reader: UTF-8 Error when Listing tables from Database
Bug Build 24535
Upgrade Transformers: Add workspace-wide upgrade
Update Build 24534
Web Services: Add support for deprecating web service definitions
Update Build 24534
Dropbox: Newly authorized connections always expire after 4 hours
Bug Build 24534
Deployment Parameter icon doesn’t stay green when used in a drop down list control
Bug Build 24534
Insert Logger at cursor position
Update Build 24533
Scripted Selection / WEB_SELECT: Advanced Selection Editor confused by spaces in values from old workspaces
Bug Build 24533
Filter Quick Add results by Item Type
Update Build 24532
Geodatabase Writers: Writing attributed Relationship creates extra ‘relationship’ entries
Bug Build 24531
Bookmarks: Collapsed bookmark remains the same length as it was uncollapsed
Bug Build 24531
OBJ Writer: materials not properly handled when fanout is used
Bug Build 24531
Usage Stats: we should track FME Hub transformers as their names are in the public domain
Update Build 24530
Revit Reader: Don’t output blank schedule rows
Update Build 24530
ACAD/RealDWG: X value reversed on leader lines with extrusion attributes
Bug Build 24530
DateTimeConverter: Add new FME Flow logfile Input and Output Format option “???-%d-%b-%Y %I:%M:%S %p” to drop downs
Update Build 24529
Once a template is saved, make a link from the logged path to file (or its folder)
Update Build 24528
PostGIS Writer: Cannot write to a view with a spatial column
Update Build 24528
Custom looping transformer, ArcGISPortalWebhookDataGetter, must be embedded
Bug Build 24528
The Symbolizer Parameter panel in the MapnikRasterizer does not scale vertically
Bug Build 24527
Conditional visibility work differently for disabled and hidden parameters
Bug Build 24527
ArcGIS Portal reader: binary attachment encoding different for different versions of Portal
Bug Build 24527
Coordinate Systems: GDA94_to_GDA2020_conformal_and_distortion_NTv2_Grid_FME reprojection lists incorrect accuracy and is missing EPSG code
Bug Build 24527
Esri Knowledge: Add support for new data types.
Update Build 24525
Upgrade Transformers: Failure messages in csv report could be improved
Update Build 24525
Upgrade Transformers: Add invalid transformer status to upgrade report
Update Build 24525
Annotations: New annotations added to transformers within bookmarks are too tall
Bug Build 24525
Geodatabase: Domain-controlled field is not being read in
Bug Build 24523
Create authentication type at the top of the ‘Connect to FME Flow’ dialog
Update Build 24522
Civil 3D Reader: Add parameter for data field name schema
Update Build 24522
DateTimeConverter: repair overflow for leap year when input format is FME issue
Bug Build 24522
DateTimeConverter: Preview cannot parse ‘%m/%d/%y2100 %I:%M %p’ format
Bug Build 24522
RasterExpressionEvaluator: Allow expressions to be specified in an attribute value
Update Build 24519
CADRG writer: Add Group Frame Files parameter to write tiles to subfolders by zone
Update Build 24519
Logger: Indicate in job log when log filtering is on
Update Build 24516
Revit reader: Add work plane reading support
Update Build 24516
Security Vulnerabilities in GraphViz 2.41 (Windows)
Update Build 24513
UTF8 – SQL Server GeoMedia unable to work on Windows 2019 when accent í is in tablename
Bug Build 24513
AnchoredSnapper: Slower on Linux than Windows
Bug Build 24512
Clipper: Slower on Linux than Windows
Bug Build 24511
Geometry: Spatial indexing needlessly slow
Bug Build 24510
Revit Reader: adding a file name with non-English characters warning
Bug Build 24509
RasterExpressionEvaluator Auto output interpretation chooses poorly if pixels have negative values
Bug Build 24509
DGNV8 Reader: incorrect values read for igds_element_visibility
Bug Build 24508
CoordinateExtractor: Improved encoding support
Bug Build 24505
DGNV8 writer: Relative Graphic cells written to incorrect level
Bug Build 24505
Preserve Global ID parameter causing schema table lock error on feature class
Bug Build 24503
Excel Writer: Dynamic writing fails when fanout expression uses an attribute value
Bug Build 24502
Read custom coordsys from DWG file with ACAD reader
Update Build 24500
Snowflake Reader/Writer: Upgrade driver to v3.14.4
Update Build 24500
FME Flow 2024.1.0.0
REST API V3 Documentation not displaying
Bug Build 24611
Support New ‘Log Debug’ Settings in Workspace Apps
Update Build 24601
Microsoft SQL Server not loading values for fields after published to FME Flow
Bug Build 24601
Support New ‘Log Debug’ Settings in Run Workspace, Transformation Services, Schedules, and Streams
Update Build 24600
Support ‘Hidden & Disabled’ for Conditional Visibility of User Parameters
Update Build 24600
Remote engine connection on Flow-hosted not “Ready” after Remote engine VM is restarted
Bug Build 24600
Update Ftp Watch (Publication) and Ftp Directory Trigger (Automations) to make username an optional field
Update Build 24599
Automations – Dynamic Workspace Repository/Workspace field clearing and showing error message unexpectedly
Bug Build 24599
Connection String for Database Connection on Remote Engines Service is not formatted correctly, causing Job failure
Bug Build 24598
Schedules – No Reset button for published parameters
Bug Build 24594
Reset button not clearing password field on Run Workspace and Automations
Bug Build 24594
Job Retries should be a Configurable Parameter in the FME Flow Web Interface
Update Build 24591
Provide a warning when Changing Owners and Removing Users
Update Build 24590
Download Button Appears Active without Download Permission (but Downloads Not Possible)
Bug Build 24588
Handle Extension Filters defined in Workbench
Update Build 24584
Fix json parameter definitions in services endpoint
Bug Build 24583
Using the reset button on the run workspace page doesn’t reset the parameter date field correctly
Bug Build 24577
Flow schedules: Group box parameter values resetting to default
Bug Build 24569
failureTopics and successTopics are not supported when submitting jobs in REST V4
Bug Build 24569
Incorrect Split-Merge Block documentation link
Bug Build 24568
Add ‘Cancelled Jobs’ to Jobs Status Filter options on Job History page
Update Build 24563
Updating email when entering the wrong password results in empty error message
Bug Build 24562
Disable Running Automation on Transfer of Ownership
Update Build 24561
Update Build 24559
Manage Tags – Search bar does not work
Bug Build 24558
Change Flow App placeholder icon based on App Type
Update Build 24556
Support ‘Greater than’ and ‘Less than’ in Conditional / Dependent Parameters ( > , >=, < , <= )
Update Build 24556
LDAP SASL mechanism – Removal of GSS-SPNEGO and DIGEST-MD5
Bug Build 24555
Google Fonts API Slowing FME Flow
Bug Build 24553
Inconsistent ENTER Key behaviour in various pages
Bug Build 24553
User Permissions: User Management permission should allow you to see all individual items on the user management page
Bug Build 24553
Multiline Text Line Edit with Edit Button missing Edit Button on Flow
Bug Build 24549
Schedules page, list of schedules are not displayed after filtering with new tag then ‘All Tags’
Bug Build 24546
Password must not contain username client side validation not working
Bug Build 24544
Race condition when cancelling job may cause duplicate job errors and runaway RTC jobs
Bug Build 24543
Text overflows when there is a lengthy description or title
Bug Build 24541
Automations – Unable to create a connection loop after refreshing page
Bug Build 24537
Automations fail to stop, returns SQL error ‘Error: Could not find prepared statement with handle 1’
Bug Build 24537
Automation Canvas doesn’t show feature count from Automation Writer
Bug Build 24536
Long usernames are not fully visible from User Settings menu
Bug Build 24535
Repository Description text on separate lines are joined together
Bug Build 24535
Gallery app Edit page issues with Browser Icon display
Bug Build 24533
Update Minimum Character Requirement to 12 to Enhance Password Complexity
Update Build 24527
Engine never shuts down due to missing or expired workspace chaining context
Bug Build 24510
FME Form 2024.0.4.0
String Functions: incorrect count for letters with accents
Bug Build 24221
AttributeTrimmer: Trim Type setting has no effect in 2024 AttributeTrimmers
Bug Build 24221
JSONFragmenter: does not output all array elements when recursive flattening is off
Bug Build 24221
FME Form 2024.0.3.0
AttributeTrimmer: v4 only removes 1 space if Trim Characters is left blank
Bug Build 24220
FME Python plugins causing engine crash when workspace with package is run
Bug Build 24220
FME Flow 2024.0.2.2
User without Queue Control permission can see Job Queue parameter on Run Workspace page
Bug Build 24218
Cannot import encryption key file on FME Flow (403 unauthorized error) on some deployments with proxy or reverse proxy configurations
Bug Build 24218
FME Form 2024.0.2.2
Connections: incorrect handling of non-ascii file paths in personal connection databases
Bug Build 24218
File Geodatabase: Dynamic Mode Geodatabase is not created
Bug Build 24218